Post Graduate

4. Atzaraki Anna 2022, Master Thesis, “A machine learning approach to high-resolution data for mapping and classifying vegetation, Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics School of Engineering and Technology, Cyprus University of Technology.

3. Nikolaou Andreas 2021, Master Thesis, ”Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms with Supervised Classification for Marine Benthic Habitat mapping using R”, Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics School of Engineering and Technology, Cyprus University of Technology. (Co-supervisor)

2. Androulla Harpa 2021, Master Thesis, “3D Mapping of CUT Campus”, in Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics School of Engineering and Technology, Cyprus University of Technology. (Co-supervisor)

1. Doukari Michaela 2015, Master Thesis, “Investigating a UAS and Computer vision pipeline for small scale 3D geovisualizations“, Co-Chair of Committee. Best Master Thesis for 2016 at the University of the Aegean.


12. Rafael K. Hatzikyriakou, 2025, BSc Thesis, (ON-GOING), The use of different coordinate transformation methods for the demarcation of land parcels included in old cadastral maps at scale 1:5000

11. Stavrinidou Kalia, 2020, BSc Thesis, Organization and monitoring of maintenance works of public green spaces using GIS: The case study of the Municipality of Geroskipou, Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics School of Engineering and Technology, Cyprus University of Technology. (Co-supervisor)

10. Othonos Niki, 2019, BSc Thesis, 3D Cadaster Regulatory Modeling at the center of CUT, Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics School of Engineering and Technology, Cyprus University of Technology. (Co-supervisor)

9. Fayat Philip, 2018, BSc Thesis, Investigation of a pipeline for drone derived DSM for the production of the most accurate DTM, Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics School of Engineering and Technology, Cyprus University of Technology. (Co-supervisor)

8. Drolias Akis, 2016, BSc Thesis, “The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in the creation of digital surface models (DSMs)” Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

7. Anastasiou Panagiotis, 2016, BSc Thesis, “Investigation of High-Resolution Mapping Methods for the Identification and Mapping of Landforms of Tectonic Or gin. Case Study: The Petrified Forest Park of Lesvos”. Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

6. Avanidou Kalliopi, 2016, BSc Thesis, “New mapping methods for generating flow maps. Visualizing global economic space-time data”. Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

5. Repaki Magdalini, 2016, BSc Thesis, “Electronic atlases: the case of the atlas of the Aegean islands”. Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

4. Antonopoulou Konstantina, 2015, BSc Thesis, “Display of Climate maps for visually impaired. Investigation of existing cartographic depictions in Greece”. Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

3. Haritidis Anastasios, 2014, BSc Thesis, “Investigation of optimal mapping of climatic parameters. Investigation and Comparison of International Practices”. Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

2. Papadopoulos Alexandros, 2014, BSc Thesis, “Three-dimensional visualization and modeling of land cover/land use (LCLU) change of large-scale data. The case of the area of Thrakomakedones in Attica.” Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.

1.Kougias Evangelos, 2013, BSc Thesis, “Investigation of climate data visualization and construction of a digital map library on mobile devices running Android. Geography Dept, University of the Aegean.