2024-2025: DEPLOYED Project

DEPLOYED: Detection of archaeological proxies using low altitude systems and pedological studies

Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics of...

2024-2027: ORIENTATE Project

ORIENTATE: DrOne sensors and immeRsive tEchNologies towards the Thematic MApping of SpaTiotemporal PhEnomena

Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics...

2024-2027: COASTLINE Project

COASTLINE: Coastal Zone Environment and Geo-Sciences

Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics of Cyprus University of Technology (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01,...

2024-2026: CONNECTING Project

CONNECTING: Research and Innovation Knowledge Centre for Engineering in Heritage

Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics of Cyprus University of Technology...

2023-2026: ARGUS Project

ARGUS: Non-destructive, scalable, smart monitoring of remote cultural treasures

Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics of Cyprus University of Technology (HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-01,...

LC3 Project

2023-2025: LC3 Project

LC3: Lemesos City Cooling Challenge

Department of Civil Engineering and Geoinformatics of Cyprus University of Technology (NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Programme, NZC-H2020-202209,€1,500,000). ...

2022-2024 Oenowatch Project

Implementation of a Decision Support System using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and establishment of a Competence Centre for innovative vine-growing...

High Precision Survey of Ports

High Precision Survey of Ports

The constant technological evolution in Computer Vision and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), as well as the miniaturization of sensors, may...

Marine Spatial Planning

Marine Spatial Planning

Cross-border Cooperation for Maritime Spatial Planning Development (Thal-Chor in Greek)

The strategic project “Cross-border Cooperation for Maritime Spatial Planning Development” was...

Costal Mapping

Costal Mapping

Developing methods and processes for data acquisition and mapping of the coastal environment.

Over the last decade, spatial analysis of satellite...

3D Mapping

3D Mapping after earthquake

3D Mapping of the Vrissa region affected by the earthquake of Lesvos on 12/06/2017 Following the devastating earthquake of June...


ARSx2 (AeRial System & Anti piRacy System)

In the framework of the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, participation in the scientific group for developing the project...

AMOS project

Participation in AMOS project

Geospatial Enabling Technologies (GET) in cooperation with the French SME SEMANTIC TS successfully completed between 5 and 10 of July...


Collaboration with the IIASA team for marine litter tile sorting

The team has performed extensive surveys on coastal environments in Greece, gathering valuable information about marine plastic pollution using drones....

ARGO Hellenic USV

In the framework of the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, participation in the scientific group for developing the project...

SPOTS Experiment

SPOTS Experiment


The SPOTS project will take a closer look at the influence of biofouling and water depth on the spectral reflectance...


Marine Litter mapping in Rineia island

Rineia: An important archeological site in the center of environmental monitoring for plastic litter pollution. In collaboration with Athanasios K....

COASTAL Mapping-1

COASTAL Mapping in Lesvos Island

Researchers have developed specific methodologies for identifying coastline and coastal zones (coastal morphology). The availability of very high-resolution digital surface...

Seagrass mapping

Seagrass mapping

The Common Fisheries Policy of EU requires mapping highly important habitats for fish production (e.g. underwater flowering meadows) in all...

Marine Litter Detection

Marine Litter Detection

Preliminary study on the emerging marine litter problem along the eastern coast of Lesbos

The objectives of this preliminary study were...


Seagrass mapping in Greek territorial waters using Landat-8 satellite images

Seagrass meadows are among the most valuable coastal ecosystems on earth due to their structural and functional roles in the...